Mechanical Polishing


What is Mechanical Polishing?

If any deep marks on the stainless steel, material defects traces of heavy blows there can not be eliminated with electropolishing process. In such cases mechanical polishing is applied in first.




How to Apply Mechanical Polishing?

On the Mechanical polishing processes are automatic polishing machine or handwork. In process made with felt and brush on the metal surfaces atomic burr. Burrs filled with metal dusts. Polishing processes using liquid or solid polish with one or two table, two or one brush set on the semi-automatic polishing machine. The type brush to be used is selected according to the work to be done. At the end of the polishing process surface is obtained polished.




Why Mechanical Polishing Applying?

  • Increases the surface shinines.

  • The product reduces the adhesion.

  • After the process, product become easy to clean.

  • Aesthetic appearance of the product increases.



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